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Popular Questions for aa intergroup
How can I find an AA meeting near me on aa-intergroup.org?
To find an AA meeting near you on aa-intergroup.org, simply visit the website and use the "Find a Meeting" feature. You can search by location, day of the week, type of meeting, and more. The directory will provide you with a list of meetings in your area along with the necessary information to attend.
How can I access AA literature and resources on aa-intergroup.org?
AA-intergroup.org offers a comprehensive collection of AA literature and resources that can be accessed through the website. You can find information on AA's program, steps, traditions, and concepts, as well as links to purchase literature and other materials to support your recovery journey.
Can I access aa-intergroup.org on my mobile device?
Yes, aa-intergroup.org is designed to be accessible on a variety of devices, including mobile phones and tablets. You can easily access the website's resources and services on your mobile device to stay connected to AA support, meetings, and information on the go.
How can I contact aa-intergroup.org for additional information or support?
If you have questions or need additional information or support, you can contact aa-intergroup.org through the website's contact page. The website's administrators are available to assist you with any inquiries, feedback, or requests for help related to AA support, resources, and services.
How can I contribute to aa-intergroup.org as a member of the AA community?
As a member of the AA community, you can contribute to aa-intergroup.org by sharing your experiences, insights, and resources with other members. You can participate in online meetings, submit content for the website, and provide feedback to help improve and expand the services offered to the AA community.
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